Friday, November 5, 2010

Fashionable Fridays #25 - Guest Blogger - Paint that Nail!

Don't forget my Giveaway for a $5  Jamba and $5 Coldstone gift card OR Scrappy Canvas OR a baby hat with flower. Only 2 entries so far!!!
Now for another fabulous post from Paint that Nail!

Here is the first step for this design. What you have to do is put a base coat on. Then put a coat of whatever base color you are using. Let dry completely and then put a thick coat of any color you want. I used Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Celeb City. The other color I used was Ulta Salon Formula in Alter Ego. I took the lighter color as my base color and then the darker color as the top/tip color. But you paint a thick coat all over your nail then with a different color paint, a thick line of that on the tip of your nail before it dries.

Then with a tooth pick and a kinda light touch drag the colors back and fourth so then it will look like that.

Then I added a coat of glitter but its not that noticeable because I didnt want too thick of a glitter since the 2 colors I used were so frosty. The glitter I used was Pur Ice in Oh Baby then I added a couple dots in the corner that was Rimmle London 10 Day Wear in Black Satin.
How fun! These look perfect for the winter months or like a winter wonderland dance.

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