Monday, September 14, 2020

Labor Day Week


Since today's Labor Day, I tried to keep it short for school, but I still wanted to do something. We did our morning ritual and then the kids worked on a lesson in Night Zookeeper until it was time to go to Grandma and Grandpa's.

I read aloud some books in the car on our way. The kids also brought their dice to play a game they made up but works on their math skills.

They also played with Magna Tiles and Lego blocks at their
Grandma and Grandpa's house.


We did Spin the Wheel and my oldest got Math. I had my daughter work on math workbooks with 2 digit addition, clocks, and money. My son tried out another My Tech High homeroom resource called Exact Math. I showed him how to balance equations to solve for x. It is a diagnostic math assessment which is adaptive. Once they finish it, then it provides them education.

Spinning the Wheel again had Art & Design come up. My son chose a Shark tutorial. My daughter didn't get to spin the wheel because of her attitude this morning (and probably lack of sleep).


Then I had them work on their cursive with a scripture related to Come Follow Me thanks to another parent from the Latter-Day Saint Homeschoolers group. 

Then the kids reviewed babysitting basics and babysit their brother since my husband took the day off, and we went to use our free movie ticket. First time in the theaters since Covid, but luckily we had the theater to ourselves.



We went to the library today to return books. My daughter was most excited an FGeeTV book which my youngest was super excited about too.

We also completed a Good and the Beautiful Language Arts lesson.

We did our morning routine and we've added reciting the scripture: Luke 2:52. I also had picture day! I love taking pictures of my kids.

Today I had my kids join me in learning about dōTERRA Home while I did a Live video for my team in sharing the online Product Showcase. Their commentary was great! They are definitely dōTERRA Kids =D We're excited to get our hands on the new products as well as the new limited time items for the holidays.

I love that I can teach my kids wellness solutions.


After lunch the kids spun the wheel and got Kiwi Crates. My oldest built rockets from our old Kiwi Crate haha and my daughter did her felt garden from her Doodle Crate.

 I love that it asks questions to get them thinking.


 The boys loved playing with the rockets. 

My daughter got frustrated with the clay part in her felt succulent garden. She originally wanted to do a bunny, but it wasn't staying together. We're trying to work with her to be a better problem solver and sometimes that means walking away. She later came down and showed me the elephant she made inside and it was way better than the bunny! #HomeschoolWin


Today I told the kids if they finish their 3 diagnostic tests on Exact Path, then they could choose a candy bar and a gift from our homeschool gift box.
They finished! I really like these diagnostics because the questions change based on what answers they get right. Then it creates activities for the kids based on areas they need support.



 After lunch, I offered for the kids to clean the kitchen and they could be done with school early. They didn't want to so they spun the wheel and they got cleaning haha! =D
So they had to do the cleaning for 30 minutes and then they spun PE. We did some stretches and stuff with our punching bag. Then we made tornadoes for my youngest who is obsessed since our tornado connector things arrived.
Later that evening I got some 2L bottles to make big ones. We discovered that you only need to add soap to your bottles if you are doing a single bottle without a connector. If you have a connector for 2 bottles then no soap is needed.

 To finish up schooling, I had my kids read aloud to their brother.


Through our local Buy Nothing Group, we should be able to get some more 2L bottles so the kids each have one. 


Today since it was Patriot Day/September 11th, I talked to the kids a bit about this day in history and showed them this video. You might want to watch it first to make sure you're comfortable showing it to your children. I'm sure there's lots of other videos out there too. Such a tear jerking memory.





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