Monday, November 16, 2020

Holiday Sprays and Science Bingo


Today we made Holiday Sprays to sell. I had them take all my empty bottles of Essential Oils and inventory them and then create fractions with them. My oldest got to also calculate how much profit he'll get once he sells all the Holiday Sprays he made. 

They made these 2 Holiday Sprays today. 


I had to work today and help sub again so I left the kids a list to do. The newest thing this week was participating in Science Club. I had them work on Science Bingo ones they could do on their own, and I got home in time to supervise their Zoom call. 

I then helped my daughter record her song using some of Messengers filters. She did amazing and we hope to have it up soon on their YouTube channel.


We started with our Morning Routine which lead to a discussion on signs of the 2nd coming and repentance.

We worked more on our Holiday Sprays. They made this one and then based on what empty ones we had left, I made up some others. I've been teaching classes for over 8 years so I'm very familiar with these essential oils <3 Now we just have to label all of them.

Then the kids did Night Zookeeper.

After lunch, they had their Let's Create Homeschool Support Group Zoom Class. They continued watching Winnie the Pooh while the created. Today they used markers and did different drawings. My son did a farm scene while my daughter practiced on people. 

I had my Homeschool Support Group Mother Mentors Zoom meeting tonight. We talked more about a Homeschool Vision.
  • What you want your kids to look like at 18-19
  • Why Homeschool 
  • Way Homeschool
  • Get away from good and bad so it doesn't attach to your self-worth
  • Honest daily inventory of what you wanted/didn't want


During our Morning Routine of Compliments, my oldest said I was flexible. My daughter complained saying that she was more flexible. My oldest tried to explain different meaning of flexible. My daughter had to prove her physical flexibility though so we all practiced the splits and bridges/back bends. I did the best splits, but my daughter was able to get down into a back bend once and she can walk across the room while in the bridge position. It killed my back to try =D.

Then we did the Pull Up Bar to see how many pullups and how long we each could hang. My daughter looks small, but she's pretty strong. She was able to do 4 pull ups and hang for 30 seconds. When I was a teenager, her dad and I could hang on the bar for 3 minutes plus. We definitely can't do that now haha. Our bar is pretty slippery so maybe we'll try again with gloves.

Then the kids played outside. It started to warm up again and they used the Ninja Warrior Line.


We spent the most of the day cleaning because it felt like we were just so behind especially with laundry. While I was cleaning my youngest's closet, he played with some Dress Up clothes =) I have all our Halloween clothes in his walk-in closet. 
The kids also spent a bunch of time outside again. 

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