Monday, November 9, 2020

Homeschool Like Clockwork, but some Puke


Spin the Wheel is back!

My son spun Exact Path and Make a Video.

My daughter spun Kiwi Crate and Journal.

We went on a walk on as a whole family since my husband took the day off. It was a perfect day outside. Then we played Sleeping Queens for the first time during our lunch break. It was a fun game and quick to learn. It's also great for expanding on your own and creating new ways to play. I had the kids draw their own king and queens. I might try to improve them on Photoshop. 

I mailed in my ballot this morning!

Then the kids played outside with our Ninja Ropes course and helped us clean up the leaves. 

Then we ended the day with a fire and the kids still playing outside.

 It was nice to spend the day outdoors especially in November. By the weekend we're supposed to get lots of snow. 

One of the kids threw up in the middle of the night (maybe too much candy) so we're taking it easy. It was hard for me to sleep, and the puke smell was awful.

Woke up to all these leaves again too! Ugh! Haha!

My oldest worked on his Tinker Crate. He made the Spin Art machine

My daughter worked on drawing. She is really improving her talent. 

Then the kids did Exact Path Math. I love this program and so glad My Tech High offers it!

My youngest made this all on his own! I was impressed with his hexagonal design! We love MagnaTiles in this house.

Luckily no more puke the rest of the day.


My daughter made brownies and was reminded the difference between teaspoon and tablespoon when her batter didn't look quite right.

Outschool Game Design was on my son's to do list. That runs like clockwork with him.

Let's Move Homeschool Support Group class. All 3 kids love to participate. They did a Scavenger Hunt Letter Bingo.

I worked on sanding my daughter's desk so we could paint it a fun color. My daughter helped by wiping off all the reside when I was done. She will help paint it when we get a chance. It got cold and snow is coming so time to put the car into the garage.


They spun Night Zookeeper.
My daughter had her Orthodontist and the assistant accidentally helped wiggle one of her teeth really well so she had to redo the bracket. 

Green and Pink colors this time! Her 2 teeth that have been coming in so slowly are finally down enough to attach 2 new brackets to.

My oldest worked on his Outschool while we were on the orthodontist.


I got called into work to help out the preschool so I left a list for my kids to do. They did great! On the list I had Night Zookeeper, Outschool, Read 50 pages, Compliments and Gratitude videos, 2 Beast Academy pages (which I helped my daughter with a couple problems without fighting!).

Knock on wood first, but this week there was very little fighting about school. Maybe we've found our rhythm and things are starting to run like clockwork. Maybe our compliments and affirmations are making the biggest difference. Maybe having less focus on results is helping. I'm not sure, but I am grateful. 

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