Monday, October 4, 2010

17th Mommy Mondays

In the last few months, I've heard about this weird thing that happens to women after having children. They can't jump on a trampoline, go running, etc. without peeing a little.

I personally don't have this problem yet, but maybe it's because I've only given birth to one child so far. Is this true for a lot of Mommies out there? After having one or more kids?

Interesting and don't moms have to go through enough? I guess it's more of a motivator to do kegel exercises.


vanita said...

honey, I've had four kids and haven't had this issue yet.

MBC Scrapbooking said...

Ummm, yes. This is so true for me, and it started right after I had my first! (although this is the first time I've probably admitted it;) Congrats on not having this mommy issue;)