Thursday, January 14, 2010

LDS Temple Bracelets

I bought a temple bracelet from Sisters' Stuff Etsy Store. What a clever idea to not lose the name at the temple. I can't wait to go to the temple and use it! So all you Latter-Day Saint women, go check out their store. They have 2 kinds, just slightly different from each other. Only $9. Also go check out their blog for great ideas.

I chose the Presley Pearl since it had the smaller beads. So pretty and useful.


Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous! I will have a different version at my shop on September 1st! Come check them out!

Donna said...

How can I get one of these beautiful bracelets. I really love then and how great to find something that we can use for the names.

Donna said...

How can I get one of these beautiful necklace. It is a very smart idea to come with this for the Temple and berautiful that look great in the temple.