Monday, February 10, 2014

96th Mommy Mondays - Mom of Care Touch Photography

Meet Local Mom, Tori Caresia of Care Touch Photography and her Thoughts on Being a Mom of Two.

I absolutely love being a mom of 2 beautiful girls! They are two years apart, but couldn't be closer with each other. Being a mom of 2 definitely has it's days, and I always feel that I have my hands full, but when you think about it, who doesn't? Any child can keep us on our toes with complete exhaustion but we can be utterly and completely happy at the same time. It's such a beautiful roller coaster of emotion. I have learned that there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done. Even though everyday we tell ourselves that it was an off day, and today will be the day we can do it all. I have definitely learned that priority and care come first, and everything else falls into place. Motherhood is amazing, and I love rocking it!


Thanks Victoria! I definitely can relate to telling myself that I can do it all. I think that helps to try, but also know that there will be days where we can't do it all and we should just enjoy the moments.
She will be doing Easter Minis in March, more details will be announced on her site later this month.

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