Sunday, August 29, 2010

12th Mommy Mondays

Please go VOTE for my Ice Cream Photo (it's the 3rd picture)! Ends Tuesday, August 31st!

James ate all of his ice cream cone and then went for mine. I guess he's definitely my son if he likes ice cream so much. What do your kids do that help you to know they are really like you?

I get a vote for each LIKE and COMMENT on the photo (you first have to LIKE Inspired Gifts on Facebook to do this).

Contest Link is: ;

More Silhouette

Another set of Silhouette giveaways!!!! PLEASE PICK ME!!!!



The Shabby Nest

Making it Lovely
Making it Lovely

Under the Table and Dreaming
Crap I've Made

So how do I hear about these all the time? All from How Does She. Subscribe to their newsletter to be in the know! They're an awesome site with lots of great ideas plus they always know who has the Silhouette Giveaways!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Fashionable Fridays #18

Have you ever heard of Hair Bling? Here's what Hair Bling looks like, just a touch of sparkle to your hair. (of course my other one fell out later that day - it falls out when your hair follicle that it's attached to falls out). Since my hair is so thick, it's hard to see and harder to take pictures of. Maybe if I was feeling richer, I would have done more.

My son is quickly growing out of his top so I've beentrying to have him wear it more. My little stud man.
I let my husband cut our son's hair at a 1; I figured since summer is almost over.

What do you think of long dresses? The truth I wore it because I didn't feel like shaving - lol. Then since my stomach isn't flat anymore since I've had my son, I put this button up shirt with a belt to accentuate my waist more.
I know I need a necklace. Anyone know anyone who makes some great necklaces that would like to be a sponsor and let me review one!?

Monday, August 23, 2010

11th Mommy Mondays

Not sleeping - my toddler that is. I don't know what the deal is, but he seems to go through these phases where he doesn't sleep well. Today he only took an hour nap, the past week it's been an hour and a half and for a long time before that it was 3 hours. Now one might think he's just taking less nap, but he's also not sleeping through the night again. He's been waking up 3-4 times a night and we're not sure why. When he takes 3 hour naps, he'd sleep through the night for 10 hours. I guess I could make him take a longer nap, but I hate repeating sleep training over and over again.

Our one idea is that his eczema has flaired up again. I'm thinking it might be the new detergent I've been using. We have the humidifier on every night, and we've been giving him is lotion. Also this is his first time being so itchy with his eczema.

Another thought, he's just being clingy and wants to be with us. Lately anytime we go out anywhere in public, he refuses to walk by himself. He runs in front of us to be picked up and cries and cries until we do.

Any ideas? Is it a phase common for this age? He's almost 21 months.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fashionable Fridays #17- Guest Blogger

Let me introduce you to Tricia from Tricia's Take, my first guest blogger for Fashionable Fridays. She'll be guest posting the 3rd week of every month for a couple months.
Hi my name is Tricia I am a 30 something mother of 3 by day and online shopper extradoinair' by night! I started writing a blog ( to prove the old adage modest is hottest and to share my love of fashion. Most people when they hear the phrase 'mom clothes think of high waisted jeans and a frumpy tee-shirt. I am here to prove 'mom clothes' can be chic and casual. Here are a few tips to dress stylish and still be able to chase around the young ones (without that free tee-shirt you got at the blood drive!)

Tip #1- Have fun with color
One of the easiest ways to dress up a tee is with a pop of color. I love using belts, shoes, jewelry and hair accessories to add color to a boring outfit. Some of my favorite color combo's are: grey and yellow, red and blue, green and navy, pink and grey and brown and blush.

Tip #2- Pants are not required
I often wear a skirt because surprisingly they are just as comfortable as shorts. They will also keep you cooler! You can find a cute basic knee length skirt (at Gap or Old Navy) and it instantly dresses up a basic top.

Tip #3- Invest in the basics
There is nothing like a flattering pair of pants to brighten your day, I honestly believe that spending a little more on that pair of pants will be worth while in the long run. I purchased my first pair of designer jeans in 2003 and still wear them, they are timeless and hold up through many washes and wears.

Tip #4- It's all in the details
Look for tops that have cute prints or are embellished, you don't need much to dress them up! Pair it with some shorts and flats and your good to go!!!

I look forward to posting again next month, until then you can see me everyday on my blog, Tricia's Take!


Thanks so much Tricia! Can't wait for your future posts. Love outfit 3 especially that green color! Your color combos with tip #1 sound amazing...I'll have to try some of those! Maybe someday I'll invest in some designer jeans...scary for me to think though. I have trouble enough finding jeans.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fancy Mommies Giveaway

Fancy Mommies is having an awesome giveaway for a $15 Target gift card, $10 Gap gift card and choice of 3 headbands apparently in addition to these other great prizes: Febreze, adorable handmade cards, and fabulous handmade magnets! Low entries!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Erika from The Dating Divas

Have you heard of The Dating Divas? They offer fabulous date ideas and great ways to show more love to your spouse, some crafts and recipes too.

Erika, 1 of the 12 Divas, has graciously accepted to do a guest post here for Crafty Mommy Diva so give a warm welcome to my first Guest Blogger!
Hello Crafty Mommy Diva readers! I’m so excited to be guest blogging here today. I am a Diva myself – a Dating Diva. My name is Erika and I’m one of the 12 member team of gals over at The Dating Divas that love to date our husbands. We have a lot of fun creating original, inexpensive, and fun dating ideas.

I am sure I’m like a lot of you. Married a few years to a handsome guy, have a child – who is cute as can be, busy with life (you know how it is!), and because of all that dating my husband dropped to the very bottom of the list. Our dates lacked originality – if we even went on one! So when my good friend, Tara, started up this amazing date blog – I was all in! I knew this would be a great motivator for me to get out of my dating rut.

We Diva’s love what we do! We have fun creating new and exciting dates, giving marriage tips, holiday ideas, gift suggestions, family activities, quick and easy examples, crafts, and much more! We Diva’s want to share our ideas with YOU and let you join in on the fun.
My husband and I are all about fun and games. I love him and always want to think of ways to show him the love. I wanted to use my creativity and crafty skills to make something we could enjoy and play together – a prescription for fun!
I have a prescription for you on how to have more fun. Here's how to fill the order...
First, grab an unused small pill bottle.
If you have an old empty one from a previous prescription you can use that. Or you can go to your local pharmacy and ask to buy a new one. If you are lucky like me, they'll give you a whole bag full for free!

Next, go to your stash of scrapbook paper and find a cute one to trace the lid. You want to cover up the logo on top. (If you don't care about this, you can skip this step.) Then cut out your circle and mod-podge it on the lid.

Then you'll need to adhere the prescription label to the bottle. I made a mock label in photoshop with fake info.
You can download yours here - without our names!
I used clear packing tape and put it around the whole thing.
Now you need to fill the bottle with the "pills" and instructions.
The pills are those dissolve-able capsules that turn into foam shapes. I picked mine up at the Dollar Store. Eighteen for a dollar! But I just put 3 in the bottle. (Give the rest to your kids, they'll love them!)
To play you will dissolve one capsule in warm water.

(Sometimes waiting for it is the best part! Ooooo....the anticipation of what the shape will be!)

Now on to hiding it.

Take turns putting the little foam shape somewhere your spouse can find it. Once they've found it, they hide it for you. Kind of funny and childish, but it is fun to suddenly see this foam dinosaur in the book I'm reading, under the toothpaste cap, in a pocket, beneath a deodorant cap. The possibilities are endless! Just reuse until it takes a casualty - like ours did. Poor T-Rex lost an arm. Oh well, time to dissolve a new "pill."

Download the game instructions here. Print it out, fold it up, and stick it in the bottle with the 3 "pills" and give to your spouse.

Thanks for letting me be a Crafty Mommy Diva today! Feel free to stop by the Dating Divas anytime.

Check out Erika's awesome group date idea too, Couples Minute to Win it. I so want to do this!!!! Thanks so much Erika! I can't wait to fill this prescription!
Hopefully my husband and I can get out of the dating rut too now that our son is finally getting used to other people.

Monday, August 16, 2010

10th Mommy Mondays - CSN Review

Have you heard about CSN stores!? If you haven't, then where have you been....j/k. They're a fabulous online store - I should say mall because they're so huge!

I had the wonderful opportunity to review their online store. I used my certificate towards a Little Tikes Fold and Store Picnic Table with Umbrella.

When looking for a toddler table and chairs, I searched those exact words and  came up with hundreds of options. On their left sidebar, they have easy way to narrow your results. I clicked kids' table and chair sets and limited my price range to under $200. Here's where I found my table: table and chairs&matchtype=3&keywordvalue=toddlertableandchairs&minprice=&maxprice=&catcount=&shipsin=&stype=2&command=dosearch&mclass=Kids%27+Table+%26+Chair+Sets&price=3%7E172%7E&itemsperpage=96&curpage=2&rowcount=137&ListFormat=1&LayoutFormat=1

I debated over several options, but finally chose the Little Tikes Fold and Store Picnic Table with Umbrella because it can seat 8 kids, ages 2-8. I love that it can seat so many because I do lots of play groups at my home. Then I love that it can fit up to an 8 year old so that it can grow with my son and future kids.

Here are some of the hours of enjoyment we've had with it so far!

The box itself is super fun!
Jumping on, sitting and sliding on

Perfect for play: Coloring, Puzzles, and Play Kitchen Food

and pushing your car around the seats

Perfect for snack time

Now I need to find some cute plastic dinnerware that he can have with his table. I love this set: Puzzle Dinner Set. How fun would that be for my toddler!

What I love about CSN:
  • so easy to search!
  • you can earn 3% back on every order, receive exclusive rewards member promos plus more!
  • they have 200+ specific stores
  • kind and understanding representatives
  • lots of items have free shipping
What I dislike about CSN:

  • no adult or children clothing: they have some infant apparel

  • it can seat 8 kids, ages 2-8

  • it can grow with my children

  • hours of enjoyment with the box and different activities on the table: snack/eating, puzzles, coloring, playing with play food, teaching children, etc.

  • my son loves having a special spot for him and his friends

  • storing capabilities
What I dislike about  the Little Tikes Fold and Store Picnic Table with Umbrella
  • even though you can store it; it's not easy to store, you have to things apart, fold it up, and then put the parts back together.
  • not easy to assemble by yourself plus I'm not tool literate - had to learn to use a socket wrench

Want something from CSN? Enter the $60 Certificate to CSNstores GIVEAWAY over at Scrappy Gifts starting TOMORROW!

*I was given a $60 certificate code to CSN stores. My opinions are my own.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fashionable Fridays #16

I wore this outfit to a Concert Family Home Evening that my neighbors put on. Technically this shirt is like a navy blue, but it doesn't look like it in the picture. I'm wearing grey shorts. I add the red belt for some "pop." I think I looked better than I do in the picture.

I wore this outfit to a meeting I had with my neighbor's friend who I will be helping out. What do you think of the green with black and white? I love these shoes nevertheless. I got them for free as part of a drawing at Brittany Rae's Boutique when she was having her Susan G. Komen fundraiser.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Looking for Sponsors

Would you like to be a sponsor on my site? There are several options: General, Craft, Fashionable, and Mommy Sponsors

These first two options are for anyone bloggers, businesses, whatever.
1.Button Swap: I'll share your button on my sidebar under the Button Swap Title. You post my button anywhere on your sidebar.
2.Button Sponsor: Pay $5 a month or $12 for three months and I'll post your button on my sidebar under my Sponsors and you will be rotated weekly with other sponsors. FREE if you post both my button and my Scrappy Gifts button on your site/sidebar.

CRAFTY SPONSORS: I figured I would do this since this would encompass the crafty part of my name =D
Since my site is CRAFTY Mommy Diva, I really want to focus on all you crafty people out there and things you MAKE-handmade.  I'm also looking for anything that would help readers make something crafty or organize our crafty items. I will do a review and/or giveaway of your product and post it on on a day Tuesday-Thursday.

I figured I would do this since this would encompass the Mommy part of my name =D
I am looking for sponsors that are related with anything making a mom's life easier or fun things for kids. I will do a review and/or giveaway of your product and post it on Mommy Mondays.

FASHIONABLE FRIDAYS SPONSOR: I figured I would do this since this would encompass the Diva part of my name =D
I am looking for sponsors that are related with Fashion, Clothing, Make-up, Accessories Sponsors. I will do a review and/or giveaway of your product and post it on Fashionable Fridays.
**Currently interested in MODEST clothing and accessories for my husband, our toddler son, and me.

1.Review Sponsor: Pay $5 for one month. Send me your product for Review. I'll do a post about your product and your site. I will also share your button on my sidebar for one month along with my other sponsors.

2.Giveaway Sponsor: Pay $15 for one month. I'll do a post about your site along with something you want to giveaway. I will also share your button on my sidebar for one month along with my other sponsors.

3.Review and Giveaway Sponsor: Pay nothing for the month. Send me your product for Review. I'll do a post about your product and site along with something you want to giveaway (must be similar product that was reviewed). I will also share your button for one month on my sidebar along with my other sponsors.

Please e-mail me at ScrappyDiva2129(at)yahoo(dot)com if you're interested in becoming a Sponsor.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Looking for Guest Bloggers

Would you like to be a guest blogger!?

You can share a Mommy moment or tip or a blog that would help other moms for my Mommy Mondays.

You can share a craft, project, home improvement, tutorials, etc on Tuesdays-Thursdays

You can share about fashion or make-up tips or a blog/site that would help people be more fashionable for Fashionable Fridays!

Either leave a comment or e-mail me at ScrappyDiva2129 at yahoo dot com

**If you like something on my blog and would like me to guest post on yours or do a blog swap, we can do that too. =D

Monday, August 9, 2010

9th Mommy Mondays

Mommy's Blessings tip from last week was: Tip #4 for Motherhood:* Ditch the guilt*

Do you ever feel guilty with your kids? Like if they get hurt? Or if you let them cry themselves to sleep? Or if you let them watch TV so you can sleep or do some housework?

I know I have felt guilty at times especially when they get really my son fell down half a flight of stairs....story here. Or when he really busted his lip from falling off the chair on a picnic table. I was just so glad he didn't jam the fork on him in the process.

Lately if he wakes up too early in the morning. I let him eat his breakfast and watch TV while I lie down on the floor to get some more sleep. I don't know what I'm going to do whenever we have more kids.

I know I have to remind myself that accidents happen, too much TV one day of the week won't make him be glued to the TV forever and sometimes we need some free time/alone time just for us.

We aren't perfect.

What things have made you feel guilty lately?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Fashionable Fridays #15

Check out these other Fashion Divas and their blogs!

Pretty Shiny Sparkly - super trendy chic

enSTYLEpedia- she offers lots of great style tips!

Tricia's Take - A Modest Mom who shares her outfit every day!

Classy Cosmetics - a local gal who offers fabulous make-up tips! Plus she's having a giveaway for reaching 200 followers.

Check out these fashion divas and let me know who you'd like to see do a guest post here! =D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More Silhouette Giveaways

Maybe I'll get lucky this time around! 14 more blogs have giveaways for a Silhouette!

I've been dying to have one! Saving for one if I don't win - I know chances are slim of me winning one, but with so many sites giving them away - I have to try.
Wish my site was big enough that they'd give me a Silhouette to review and giveaway. Wouldn't that be the sweetest thing ever!
Of course I'd use it on scrapbooking since I own Scrappy Gifts and I'd especially use it with fonts. But it would totally help me try other crafts and decorate my home more.

Here are the fabulous blogs giving away Silhouettes! ALL END Saturday, August 7th!

Mom Advice: the Motherload

A Soft Place to Land


Dollar Store Crafts (ends Saturday, August 7th)

Tidy Moms (ends Saturday Aug 7, 2010 at 9PM CST. I will announce & contact the winner on Monday Aug 9, 2010)

Sugar Doodle (ends Saturday, August 7th at 10:30 p.m. (MST))

V and Co (ends august 7th midnight - she'll announce winner on sunday the 8th)

The Shabby Chic Cottage

The Idea Room (ends Saturday, August 7th, 2010 at 11:59 pm PT)

Craft Gossip (Closes August 7th)

Homemade by Jill (ends August 7th)

U Create

Centsational Girl

Cupcake Project

Skip to My Lou